D-Day (+1). Faith (+1)

D-Day was a pivotal turning point in World War 2. The massive operation took place on June 6, 1944, and took over a year to plan.

Based on the efforts of so many people and the relative success of that day (despite how many fell), maybe it was tempting to think that the war was over.

When we step out in faith, we can feel the risk. We pray, plan, then take the step. And maybe we take the step expecting that the step will finish the journey.

But beware of D-Day (+1) because the war’s not over yet. Beware Faith (+1) because the journey’s not finished.

Elijah stepped out in faith and, in an ostentatious manner, called fire down from heaven to defeat the false prophets. But soon thereafter when Jezebel pursued him, he laid down under a tree and prayed to die.

Same goes for Jonah. He prophesied to the city and it went well! But then he laid down and asked that the Lord take his life.


Maybe they were tired.

Maybe the events didn’t go as planned.

Maybe these prophets weren’t telling themselves the truth. (Elijah thought he was the only one following God when, in fact, hundreds of other people were faithful.)

And maybe they were gearing up to undertake an enormous step of faith thinking that the journey was almost finished.

Beware Faith(+1). It’s not time to lay down. Faith begets faith. Effort begets effort. And there’s no indication in scripture that you’re ever finished. Faith(+1) doesn’t exist.


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