What You Bargained For

When you choose rebellion from the Lord, you don’t know what you’re actually agreeing to. There will be consequences. The momentum of that bad decision will take you into a place you don’t want to go.

Conversely, when you choose the narrow way, you don’t know what you’re actually agreeing to. And you don’t know what the fruits of your obedience will be. And you cannot manage it. That’s part of the deal. Abraham, Noah, Moses, Elijah, Daniel, Paul, Peter, John. The trajectory of their decisions carried them to unexpected places. But, you just say yes. You can’t manage the message or control how it’s going to go. You’re setting in motion a series of events by saying “Yes.” In both cases, we get more than we bargained for.

(Check out Screwtape Letters, “the fact that the humans themselves do not desire it as much as they suppose. There's such a thing as getting more than they bargained for! Your affectionate uncle SCREWTAPE.”)

Amazing photo by https://unsplash.com/@lightpan


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