I don't run a lot, but I run at least once a week. And there are two different types of runs. 




The treadmill is the machine. It drags you along and it sets the pace. You can measure how far you're going to go and at what speed. It is precise and controllable. The treadmill is usually in a building surrounded by other people. It is climate controlled and you can test your results today against what you did last week or last year.

But the trail is different. The trail is the open road. The environment is different every time. If you've ever jogged the trail when it's 50 degrees, you know how pleasant it is. But if you've jogged on the trail when it's 90 degrees and full sun, you know just how hard it can be. The trail is alone. You have to find indicators of success for you. The trail makes it very difficult to measure your success against last week's run because the temperature, wind direction and wind speed are constantly changing. 

When you think about your profession, what are indicators that you're on the treadmill? When you work for the large organization, you're living your life on the treadmill. The machine sets the pace and measures your success.

But when you're an entrepreneur, this activity is more like the trail. You're out there alone on a country road facing the elements. You've got to figure out the pace and the incentives on your own. 

The lesson is:

  1. Know the difference

    -If I'm about to go for a run in the 93 degree Texas heat, I'm going to have to approach it differently. I need to eat differently. I need to hydrate differently. And, most importantly, I need to go when my energy level is at its peak. If I'm struggling with finding motivation, I don't need to expend energy trying to find the willpower to go.

    -Conversely, if I'm feeling weak and low on motivational horsepower, I can go to a group fitness class or the treadmill.

  2. Measure your energy

    -Throughout the day, can you take a energy checkup and see what's going on?

  3. Know where you thrive

    -Do you do better on the treadmill where MPH is set for you? Or do you want to run on your own?

The danger is confusing the two systems. Are you on the TREADMILL or the TRAIL?




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