Create a Club

When I teach my college classes, I think of it in terms of a club. Every student in that class is in the club. Nobody is excluded and, if you show up, there are inside jokes, and everyone is part of it. There are no scapegoats and nobody to make fun of. If they need to laugh at someone, they can laugh at me, their professor. I’m the only scapegoat and I can take it. Because in this club, you don’t get laughed at.

But if I start developing two clubs, an insider club and an outsider club, it creates two systems. A two systems-approach creates two separate sets of rules. There is incentive to get into the inside club and get near the leader because the leader exercises these two systems. The rules are: if you’re close to the leader, your grades rise and there is leniency when you need it. But in the outside club, you recognize that you’re not on the inside and the special rules don’t apply to you. You will not find special options, and your projects will not be approved.

Almost everyone is leading someone or some group these days. You’re leading a social club or a church group or an organization or your family. If you create two systems, those in the “out” group will resent it. They know they’re not in the club and they will see the score and respond likewise.

When you lead, create one club. Make sure everyone’s in.


