The Hidden Journeys

The Hidden Journeys

Last weekend, my son had an emergency appendectomy. It all happened so fast that I didn’t have time to be scared. The procedure was fast. The nurse wheeled him back to the OR and the surgeon called us 21 minutes later. We thought they were calling to say that they were getting started. Instead, they were calling to tell us that they were finished!

We interact with so many processes in 2024, it’s easy to look back and say, sure, we knew it would all work out. But I so quickly forget the perilous journey that my son took to go through surgery. We make journeys every day which are perilous.


-Successful surgery

-The birth process

-Any flight

Or even a team’s journey to the top, it’s easy to claim you knew it would work out.

On its face, it looks..


-quick (21 minutes)


-like 4 people completed it


In actuality, we forget…

-it is wildly complicated

-it is dangerous

-it is life-threatening

-it has claimed multitudes

-it requires thousands of people to complete (supply chain and all the hospital staff)

-it holds a complex history and we are standing on the shoulders of thousands

What do we do with this information? I suppose today’s a great day to walk in thankfulness for all of the trivial and life-saving invisible journeys that we take every day. And maybe a greater power is the ability to see the many hidden journeys we take every day. Today’s a great day to be thankful.


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